Friday, February 8, 2008

28 weeks!

Where in the hell is she going to go from here??? Like, seriously. I'm HUGE and I *feel* HUGE, and yet I know that I still have at least 10 more weeks to go, if not 12-14 more if I continue to have a healthy pregnancy. Where is she going to go??? She can't really go up anymore -- she's all up in my ribs as it is and I'm like 2 feet in diameter from the side, so where will she fit??? I hit me today that I am like really, really pregnant looking. I mean, people, I waddle. I make grunting noises when I sit or stand and I have to have my husband give me a boost out of my seat where ever I'm sitting a lot. I'm flipping huge. But, as I keep telling myself (to soothe my anxiety), I'm supposed to be this big and she's healthy, so that's all that matters!

So, last week there were some changes. Rose now responds a lot to being rubbed. I woke up in the middle of the night last week and I could feel her little back, so I rubbed it. She decided didn't want to be rubbed and retreated into my uterus. I could still feel her, but it put a ton of pressure on my back and gave me a serious backache. Not fun. She did it again today, so I got on all fours to make her come forward and then the pressure in my back went away, thankfully.

Then, there's the issue of being able to sleep during the night. I don't know what it is because I'm not so uncomfortable yet that I'm going to die, but I sleep super lightly for some reason and I wake up like fifty times a night. I can deal with it, though.

Lastly, my ankles and feet have started to mildly swell. This sucks. It's way uncomfortable at the end of the day when you've been on your feet. I called my doc about it and she assured me it was normal, but it's REALLY uncomfortable.

She's also come to know her Daddy's voice really well. He gets right up to my belly and starts talking to her and right away she'll move around and go nuts. It's actually really amazing how intelligent fetus' are at this gestation and they aren't even born yet. She can be still for hours and then he'll start talking to her against my belly and she goes crazy for him. This is only the beginning, I'm sure, of a life long love affair with her dad. :)

But, other than that, all is well. Really, what I complain about is nothing, and at this point, if I make it to 37 weeks without any complications and having Rose be healthy, I will seriously be the happiest person ever. I just pray I get there!

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