Saturday, April 5, 2008

36 weeks!

Ugh, I didn't post last week. :( I'm a horrible mother, haha. I kid, I kid.

This week was quite a doozy. I went to the doc and my blood pressure was up a little. My doc talk to Tommy and I and unless I go into labor on my own before 38 weeks, I'll be induced during that week. So, basically 2 1/2 weeks or less until Rose's arrival!

Then, she did my internal check and I was 1 cm dialated, 60 percent effaced, and Rose was at a -2 station. Maybe she'll come before I'm induced!

We have a growth ultrasound on Tuesday and I'm so excited to see her again!! We're taking my grandma with us so she can see her, too. Can't wait!!

I had some more intense Braxton Hick's contractions yesterday afternoon/night. My back was tightening with them, too, and they "hurt" more than the usual BH contractions I've had. I finally laid down and they went away after awhile. This morning, I woke up and my pelvis area hurt. Her hiccups are lower today, too, so who knows what she's doing in there!

Not too much longer!!

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