Saturday, February 16, 2008

29 weeks!

Almost 3/4ths of the way done!! I went to my doc appt on Tuesday and everything is well except for having low iron and my blood pressure being erratic. I'm taking supplements for the iron, and for right now, my doc isn't too overly concerned about the blood pressure. I just have to try and lay down as much as possible (yeah, right).

Other than that, my sleeping pattern has taken a turn this week. Instead of sleeping, getting up to pee, then going back to sleep again, it's turning into sleep, getting up to pee and then I'm up for awhile, or sleep, get up to pee, finally fall back asleep only to wake up an hour later. I guess it's my body's way of getting me ready for motherhood, haha. But, since Rose isn't here yet, I would LOVE to still be getting a full night's sleep. Oh well.

Rose has been continually getting the hiccups more and more (she has them right now), and this week I was able to find where her head was. She didn't like my poking around by there, so she took her little hand and pushed up against mine several differnt times. I've felt her kick me before a lot, but I've never felt her use her hand. It was lovely!

The swelling was better this week, but it's only a matter of time before my ankles are no longer how I once knew them. But, it's for Rose and I'm ok with that. :)

1 comment:

EC said...

You got to feel her hand! That's so cool!