Sunday, March 9, 2008

32 weeks!

Obviously, I am suffering from pregnancy brain syndrome because I totally spaced writing a 31 week update. BOO! Nothing much happened that week. Rose is just getting bigger and bigger and much easier to see from the outside. I also got a horrid sinus infection and was sick for over 3 days, even with antibiotics. Yuck!

This week was much better. I went back to work and was back into my old routine. For one day this week, my hips were a little more sore than normal and I couldn't walk near as fast as I normally do, but then yesterday I had little to no pain and was booking it down Walmart aisles, so she's not any lower than she was.

Yesterday, my mom and I hit up a huge consignment sale in Evansville. I got lots of clothes, a changing pad, a monitor system, bath tub, and Boppy for only 87 dollars! The clothes were only like 48 of those 87 dollars, too, and I got tons! We also went to Walmart and got a few more things I needed for the nursery, so it's almost done! Little odds and ends left and then I'll be ready for her grand entrance!!

The pics at the top are of my normal 32 week pregnant stomach laying down and then the second one is when I start to sit up. Rose's new nickname is alien. ;)

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