Sunday, March 16, 2008

33 weeks!

4 more weeks until I'm full term!!

I had my shower yesterday, and it was awesome!! Katie, Erin, and Jesika did such a phenomenal job. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better shower. We got so many great gifts and today, we went out and returned a few things we had, and bought some things we needed including my breast pump, and now we're good to go!

I had my 32 week appointment last week with my doc. My blood pressure was way too high. I didn't have in protein in my urine (good news), but she decided to take blood work anyways to check on pre-e and I was on strict orders this weekend and Monday to rest as much as I can. I go back in on Tuesday to have my blood pressure taken again and also a NST and we'll go from there. Hopefully, my blood pressure will be a little lower and perhaps I can go back to work and not be put on permanent bedrest. She said from now on they'll be keeping a really close eye on my blood pressure and we'll be going from week to week to see how things are going. There's also a possibility that once I hit full term (38 weeks), an induction might be necessary if my blood pressure keeps creeping up. I'm trying to keep my head up.

Rose also dropped a little last week. I can breathe much easier and I feel a lot more comfortable, though my hips are hurting more. It's much more comfortable than a few weeks ago, though. :)

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