Saturday, February 2, 2008

27 weeks!

I made it to the third trimester!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! Only 91 more days until my due date!!!!!!!

This week was a great week. No real aches or pains or anything related to being pregnant. I did have a horrid cold and ended up being sick a few days this week, but that doesn't have anything to do with Rose, haha. The cool thing that happened was on Thursday, I went to take a bath and I was laying in the tub watching Rose move around in my stomach for awhile. When I decided to get out, I grabbed a hold of the bar we have in our tub against the wall to sit up and kind of turned to the left a little while I was sitting up and about halfway up, I saw this big oblonged bulge sticking out of my stomach on the far right side! It was totally her body from the shoulders to the butt! It was so pronounced, too! I stared for about 30 seconds and I was in complete awe of A. seeing her actually physically there -- even though I have kicks and such, still, at times, it feels that being pregnant is all a dream, B. how big she is!, C. that I don't have a ton longer until I meet her! So, I got out of the tub and felt on my right side, and it was rock hard. Then I thought about it and I never feel her kick out of my right side. Rose started getting hiccups this week (that I noticed) and I know she's head down, so I'm thinking she's head down facing out to my left and her little back is against my right side with her butt by my ribs and her legs wrapped around to my left side. It explains a lot of her movements now for me. Anyways, it was just really cool.

Onto 28 weeks!!

1 comment:

EC said...

Hurray for 3rd trimester!!

And that story about Rose moving is sooooo cool!

You are so close to getting to meet her! I can't wait, and it's not even me!