Saturday, January 26, 2008

26 weeks!

I posted last week that I hoped by this week the back pain would be gone -- IT IS! I still have random aches and pains from time to time, but haven't had any back pain like THAT since then. I'm assuming I tweaked my back up somehow and that was the source of the pain.

In other exciting news, for the first time last week, my mom felt Rose kick. Her reaction was really cool -- she was like, "My baby is kicking!" We also went this week to buy her a baby stroller. Currently, she has more stuff for this baby than I do, haha. Ah well.

We also played music for Rose this week and the rolly-polly feelings were craaaaaazy! She always went away from the music, so watching her body shift to the other side of my uterus was quite a sight.

Other than that, not much else is new. She seems to be doing quite well in there, and I hope she stays that way until at least 37 weeks!

1 comment:

EC said...

You're so close to 3rd trimester- so exciting!

Your mom sounds fun. :)