Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm past 9 weeks!!

Now the baby actually looks like a baby according to my pregnancy tickers, although I noticed that last week in my ultrasound! I'm still way exhausted, though. I might actually go out and buy the paint to start on the nursery here in just a bit. I am that bored.

I put the doppler on my belly to see if I could find the heartbeat. It picked something up at 152 bpm, but I couldn't hear it. I've been having stretching pains, too, the last few days, so I'm thinking my uterus is getting ready to pop up above my pelvis (though not for a few weeks). It also feels a little different in there. So many changes! :)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Extreme Exhaustion Again

Just when I thought I was getting more of my energy back, WAM! I'm back to my mopey, eyes half shut self. At 5 pm, it took EVERYTHING in me to stay awake. EVERYTHING! I had a little cup of coke and that has helped me until a half hour ago. At 7:30, I was back to barely holding on. And now that it's 8 pm, I'm shot. I'm hoping I can make it up the stairs. The baby must be going through another major growth spurt.

Also, I took my resting heart rate the other day. Normally I'm completely in the normal range. Oh, I was totally at 88 bpm AT A RESTING STATE!!!! So, then I freak out that I'm freaking having a heart attack because my heart is beating that fast and it's RESTING!! until I reassured myself that I'm pumping 50 percent more blood than I was before, so that was probably it. Not to mention, my babies heart rate right now is at its peak, so I bet mine is, too, to keep up with it growing. And now, just as I'm typing this, Mr. Migrane is coming out to play.

I love you, baby. You are totally worth this, but Mommy is having a little bit of hard time today dealing with the combination of pregnancy symptoms that don't seem to come one at a time, but all at once. But, it means you're healthy, so Mommy will just have to shut her pie hole and be thankful. :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our first ultrasound!

It just completely amazes me how fast life grows to look like a baby. 3 weeks ago, it looked like an alien. Now, it looks like a baby (teeny tiny baby). The ultrasound went great. The fetal heartrate was 175 bpm, and the tech said that was a normal rate. She also said I was right on for 8 weeks, 5 days, so that's great news, too.

Tommy said the baby has my eyes (you can't tell yet, haha). It's little nose is soooooooooo cute, though, and in the 3-d pic, the baby was smiling at us. I loved it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The nursery

Because I'm completley flying by the seat of my pants at all times, I love painting, I love decorating, and I love to be creative, I've already started thinking about the nursery. With my birthday money, we bought a crib, despite not knowing exactly how this baby is doing. My thoughts are I can choose to live in fear the first trimester and deny this baby exists, or I can go about my merry way celebrating its life. I chose B, hence the early crib purchase. Here's the crib we have now above, along with the two other pieces I want for the nursery, and also a glider (not pictured), though we might just use my dad's old recliner.

Now, no matter the sex of the baby of which we'll be finding out, we're doing a jungle themed nursery with murals of a jungle and animals on the walls. I'm definitely not a professional artist, haha, so it should turn out interesting.... And finally, the bedding I like, also at the top, to go with the jungle theme.

So, that's it for now. I'll probably start painting the mural once my first trimester is over, maybe before, but we'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good news!

My uterus is measuring right on for being between 8-9 weeks pregnant and we get to have an ultrasound on Thursday morning to date the pregnancy even better. So, I should have pics of the baby then! Also, we found out the pregnancy is covered by our insurance 100 percent and we just owe 25 dollars for the first co-pay!!

Once again, God has majorally blessed us with such great news and we are so thankful!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

We're expecting!!

I'm so excited to start a baby blog!! W00t!!

I guess I should start this blog by giving a background on our journey to how we got here. It's been both of our dreams since we can remember to grow up, marry our best friend's and start our own family. Luckily, we met each other three years ago and got married this past June, so we were so excited that our dreams were coming true. We had talked a lot about when we wanted to have kids over the last few years and we decided that once we got married, we'd just see how things went and we wouldn't prevent it from happening. August comes and I had woken up in a pure sweat at 2 am, which never, ever happens to me and I had found out from friends that it could be a pregnancy sign from the fluctuation of hormones. I decided the next day, August 20, to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough, the test came up positive, so I took a digital pregnancy test since I was in disbelief and it said "Pregnant."

We are sooooooooooooo excited!! So far, I haven't had anything too eventful happen. I am 8 weeks today. From about 6 weeks to 7 weeks, 3 days, I was really nauseas with the nausea getting worse and worse. But, I woke up this last Wednesday and it was completely gone and I haven't had it since. I haven't noticed much of a change in my body as far as looking pregnant, but I can't suck in like I used to.

My first appointment is this Tuesday. I've been praying like crazy that the baby is fine and healthy and growing like it should be. I'm hoping we get excellent news that I can share. It's amazing how much love you feel already for this tiny being that isn't even bigger than an inch yet. I cry at least once a day at the thought of how blessed I am and how much I feel for those who have trouble trying to get pregnant. It's just been such an amazing experience thus far and I hope it continues for the rest of this baby's life!