Saturday, October 27, 2007

13 weeks!

I'm 1/3rd of the way done. Thank you, Jesus. The 12 week mark has been filled with many memorable pregnancy events. First off, I experienced the joy of feeling like I couldn't catch my breath from doing something as simple as WALKING UP A FLIGHT OF STAIRS!!!! I'll be the first to admit that I'm not slim and trim Barbie, but for God's sake, I can walk a mile faster than most can run it (*slight* exaggeration ;) Anyways, I'm definitely not out of shape by any means. So, this week around Wednesday/Thursday, I notice that even laying down, I feel like I'm not able to breathe correctly. Part of this is normal for pregnant women since your body is sending a lot more oxygen in your blood stream to the growing fetus. However, this seemed worse than that, so I went to the doc and he diagnosed me with acid reflux disease, which makes complete sense with my symptoms and can cause shortness of breath, especially in pregnant people, so he puts me on prescription strength Pecid AC and off I go. It's helping a little bit.

Then, last night, I'm on the computer around 10 pm and I notice my fingers are going numb. Then, I realize this is numbness is going up my arm and happening slightly in my left hand and perhaps in my leg a very little, little bit. This freaks me out since I'm home all alone and I've never had this happen before in my life. I pondered going to the ER, but, once again, I do know a little numbness in the arms/hands in pregnant people can be normal. So, after 20 minutes, I notice it's not as bad as it was and I just decide to go to bed. I woke up this morning with still a little more numbness, but nothing too serious. Today, my right wrist feels a little off, but other than that, not too much numbing action. So, I'm thinking I probably pinched a nerve or maybe my baby is, though I highly doubt its big enough to do that at this stage. So, I'm praying to God the numbness goes away (I can deal with the shortness of breath over this) and I can go back to being a happy pregnant person again!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Someone needs to take the doppler away from me

Hampton's heartbeat is slowing way down this week (as it should). It went from 174 at the beginning of this week, down to 168 two days ago and now down to 159 today. It must really be growing! Also, the heartbeat is getting louder and louder when I check. Today, the heartbeat monitor actually picked it up and the baby was way on my left side. At first, it was really active moving everywhere and then it must have went to sleep as I laid down because it held really still for awhile so I could get a good heartbeat measurement. Normally, I just have to count myself (though, I still do), but the monitor was blinking red big time. So, now my prediction of having a girl is starting to maybe dwindle a little, haha. I normally don't listen to the whole "heartbeat" wivestale, but I will admit, I thought 170s this late was pretty high for a boy, but now that it's majorally slowing down, we shall see. I'm still feeling girl. Here's Hampton's heartbeat checks so far:

8 weeks, 5 days (175 bpm)
11 weeks, 2 days (173 bpm)
12 weeks, 1 day (174 bpm)
12 weeks, 3 days (168 bpm)
12 weeks, 5 days (159 bpm)

Click here to hear its heartbeat:
Hampton's heartbeat

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

At the end of my first trimester and 2nd OB appt

I haven't updated this in awhile, so I probably should. Where to begin.......

First, I'm almost at the end of my first trimester and I'm feeling soooooooooooooooo much better. I never had much actual morning sickness, but I had killer headaches, mood swings, no desire to do anything, and extreme exhaustion. Today, I didn't have a headache (little pressure, but nothing like I was having) and, though I'm tired, it's nothing compared to what I'm normally used to. To be quite honest, I really have enjoyed being pregnant thus far. I haven't had much to complain about and the baby is nice and healthy, so that's all I care about.

We first heard the heartbeat at 11 weeks, 2 days on our doppler. It was beating at 173 bpm. I've heard it since, but faintly and today, when I went to my OB appt, she found it right away and it sounded nice, strong and loud (before it had been faint). So, I went home, plopped my doppler on there and sure enough, found the sucker right away beating at 167 bpm nice and LOUD. The heart rate is definitely slowing down as the baby gets bigger. The coolest sight so far (besides seeing the baby) was watching Tommy's face as he was listening to the heartbeat and when a big THUMP (the baby kicking) came out of the speaker, he got the biggest grin on his face and said, "It just kicked! It just kicked!" Ok, now I'm crying, but it was a really touching sight to see him so proud of our child for kicking. Wish I would have felt it kick, though! The baby is down low and on my right side. It's not even that central -- it's pretty far on the right hand side.

My second appointment today went really well. I've lost 6 lbs since my last appointment four weeks ago. My blood pressure was 116/68 which is really good, and all of my bloodwork came back in the normal range, so I'm staying healthy so far. It is AMAZING how much my blood pressure has dropped since I got married. The last year, my blood pressure would be OUT of the roof when I went to the doctor and since June, it's been completely normal when I go, haha. Just shows how stressful weddings can be.

My next appointment is on November 20 and then the appointment after that we get to find out the sex and get a more indepth ultrasound scan. I can't wait!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10 weeks, 3 days

Two things to note.

First, I no longer have to pee 2 times a night, my boobs aren't sore, and I feel a million times less bloated. This kinda wigged me out this morning, but then other women I know who have been pregnant said it's completely normal, especially since I'm nearing my second trimester. Also, the placenta is starting to take over progesterone production, so that's part of it, too.

Secondly, I got a sign!! I got in my car this morning and Tommy had laid a package he got from the mail on my front seat. It was from my aunt Laura, so I opened it and it was a book titled, "Rosie Pugh and the Great Clothes War." YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, obviously, it could still be a boy and that'd be just fine, but that is SUCH a sign!!! WOO HOO!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm in love

I've said it before, but it really is completely amazing how much you can love something that is just over an inch big and you've never seen before in your life except on a monitor. In the beginning, I worried a lot about how good of a mom I would be, would I get too stressed out, would the baby drive me nuts, is this too soon, etc., etc. and now that's all gone.

Being pregnant in and of itself is, frankly, a miracle. I'm semi-pro choice (still am), but I do have to admit, seeing our baby at 8 1/2 weeks looking just like a little baby really made me think about my views on abortion. Even though I semi-believe in abortion, I still believe life happens at the moment of conception. Right now, at almost 10 weeks, my baby is probably already moving its arms and legs and soon its brain will start functioning and taking over its heart functions. 10 weeks ago, I hadn't even ovulated yet -- hell, just over 8 weeks ago, my egg had just been fertilized. In 8 weeks, it went from a fertilized egg, to a cluster of cells, to an actual distinguishable baby who moves. It's just freaking amazing.

I think I've grown spiritually the last 8 weeks more than I ever have in my entire life. I almost feel like such a dumbass for ever doubting the goodness of God. After I saw the baby a week and a half ago, I was just in awe. I'm not saying I'm some bible thumper or scripture preacher, but so many times I like to think *I'm* in control and that God is more of a person I know and hear about rather than an important part of my life. But, that has completely changed after seeing the baby. I am most definitely not in control and there is most definitely something higher than you or me who can turn a simple egg and sperm cell into a distinguishable human being in the matter of 8 weeks who eventually down the road will be able to think, hear, and feel before it ever even enters this world. It's just freaking amazing.