Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10 weeks, 3 days

Two things to note.

First, I no longer have to pee 2 times a night, my boobs aren't sore, and I feel a million times less bloated. This kinda wigged me out this morning, but then other women I know who have been pregnant said it's completely normal, especially since I'm nearing my second trimester. Also, the placenta is starting to take over progesterone production, so that's part of it, too.

Secondly, I got a sign!! I got in my car this morning and Tommy had laid a package he got from the mail on my front seat. It was from my aunt Laura, so I opened it and it was a book titled, "Rosie Pugh and the Great Clothes War." YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, obviously, it could still be a boy and that'd be just fine, but that is SUCH a sign!!! WOO HOO!

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