Tuesday, October 23, 2007

At the end of my first trimester and 2nd OB appt

I haven't updated this in awhile, so I probably should. Where to begin.......

First, I'm almost at the end of my first trimester and I'm feeling soooooooooooooooo much better. I never had much actual morning sickness, but I had killer headaches, mood swings, no desire to do anything, and extreme exhaustion. Today, I didn't have a headache (little pressure, but nothing like I was having) and, though I'm tired, it's nothing compared to what I'm normally used to. To be quite honest, I really have enjoyed being pregnant thus far. I haven't had much to complain about and the baby is nice and healthy, so that's all I care about.

We first heard the heartbeat at 11 weeks, 2 days on our doppler. It was beating at 173 bpm. I've heard it since, but faintly and today, when I went to my OB appt, she found it right away and it sounded nice, strong and loud (before it had been faint). So, I went home, plopped my doppler on there and sure enough, found the sucker right away beating at 167 bpm nice and LOUD. The heart rate is definitely slowing down as the baby gets bigger. The coolest sight so far (besides seeing the baby) was watching Tommy's face as he was listening to the heartbeat and when a big THUMP (the baby kicking) came out of the speaker, he got the biggest grin on his face and said, "It just kicked! It just kicked!" Ok, now I'm crying, but it was a really touching sight to see him so proud of our child for kicking. Wish I would have felt it kick, though! The baby is down low and on my right side. It's not even that central -- it's pretty far on the right hand side.

My second appointment today went really well. I've lost 6 lbs since my last appointment four weeks ago. My blood pressure was 116/68 which is really good, and all of my bloodwork came back in the normal range, so I'm staying healthy so far. It is AMAZING how much my blood pressure has dropped since I got married. The last year, my blood pressure would be OUT of the roof when I went to the doctor and since June, it's been completely normal when I go, haha. Just shows how stressful weddings can be.

My next appointment is on November 20 and then the appointment after that we get to find out the sex and get a more indepth ultrasound scan. I can't wait!!

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