Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Triple Screen Results

Tommy and I decided to go ahead and have the triple screen blood test done to test for Down's Syndrome and other neural tube defects last week, even though there's a 25 percent chance of a false positive AND we wouldn't terminate even if we found out something was wrong. So, we got the results today and everything is NORMAL!!! I was so happy and so so relieved.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

17 weeks!

Thanksgiving is over and now it's on to Christmas!! The last week, I've felt completely so much better. Maybe this is when my second trimester "boost" will start, haha. But, I felt normal all week and loooooooooved it!

I'm staying at my mother-in-law's house for the Thanksgiving holidays and both she and my sister-in-law got to hear to heartbeat and the baby moving on the doppler. It was really cool to watch their reactions. The baby was moving around like crazy, so it was funny listening to the karate moves going on inside my uterus.

Also, I forgot to post about my third OB appointment, but it went well and everything appears to be normal! :) Here's what I posted on myspace:

Everything went really well, except that I've lost another four pounds (ten total), but I feel like such a whale, I don't see how that is possible, but who knows. I thought for sure I would have gained since I feel so huge. It worries me a little bit, but my doc didn't mention it. Other than that, my blood pressure was 110/68 and she measured my fundal (spelling?) height. Also, we heard the baby on the doppler again (153 bpm) and then we sheduled the BIG ultrasound for Dec. 18 -- four weeks from today!! I can't wait!!

On Tuesday, it's down to 3 more weeks until we find out what Hampton is. That will be a big day!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

16 weeks, 1 day!

Getting closer to halfway!! This last week was really hard, pregnancy wise, but I made it and I'm feeling better, so that's the good news! My gag reflex is huge and the nausea is coming back a little bit. But, I've felt the baby a lot more the last few days and on Saturday, while I was putting up the tree, I felt a big kick and that was pretty cool. Today, too, while we were eating breakfast, I felt a really fast vibration where the baby is, so I'm not sure what it was doing, but it was a cool feeling! My third OB appt is this Tuesday and I think we set up our appt for our BIG ultrasound that day. I can't wait to find out what our baby is and see it on the screen again!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

15 weeks!

This last week has been so much better!! I'm back to my normal pregnant self, aside from the emotional basketcase I can turn into, and I'm loving it! Everyday I've felt movement, usually in the morning, and 2 nights ago, I felt a big (well, bigger than any other movement) almost stretch where the baby was when I was listening to his/her heartbeat. It was trying to sleep and I woke it up and that's when I heard the loud movement noise on the doppler and felt a big stretch. It moved around for a minute and then went back to sleep. I am in love, I will admit.

Yesterday, we cleared out the nursery, too. Thank God for Tommy, seriously. I got freaking out of breath and exhausted after we had moved the mattress and box spring to my grandparent's house and he had to end up doing most of the other moving, packing, and throwing away of items. He is a saint!! He helps me soooooooooo much now that I'm pregnant, and even goes and does things for me when I ask him, too, just so I don't have to, and he's been the best emotional support. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or father of our child. He's just great!

Anyways, after we moved everything to my grandparent's house and threw the stuff we didn't need away, we set up the crib. We still have a lot to do in the room. We're going to order a changing table, armoire, and glider here in a few months, but at least the room is clear!

For Christmas, Tommy and I are going to paint the nursery together (since we should know the sex by the, knock on wood) and play Christmas music while we're doing it. I'm not feeling the jungle theme anymore. Then, we'll be able to start ordering more furniture and getting it put together. I'm excited!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

14 weeks, 4 days!

Yesterday, for the first part of the morning, I had trouble breathing properly again. I had stayed home because I had a chest cold, which I think is part of my problem, and so it wasn't that big of a deal. This time, I was able to keep myself calm the whole time and rationalized that I wasn't huffing or gasping for air by any means, so I was just fine. Plus, it was for the baby, and whatever the baby needs, the baby gets. So, I was really proud of myself for keeping calm about it this time. It was fine by like 1 pm, and this morning, I haven't had any problems yet.

Yesterday, I felt several flutters throughout the day, but the biggest ones came yesterday night when I was testing out my doppler. Several times as I heard a super loud noise come through the doppler (baby movement), I'd feel the slightest of flutters along with it. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool!!! I laid there for about 15 minutes just feeling little teeny flutters while I listened to the heartbeat and movement. This morning already I've felt a couple flutters, but if I wasn't trying to pay such close attention to my lower abdomen, I'd probably not notice they were happening. It was a whole new level of love, though, that came over me when I felt it moving. Also, I love knowing that, so far, he/she is nice and healthy and active. I'll keep updating on the movement as we go along!

Monday, November 5, 2007

14 weeks!

Last week sucked. I ended up continuing to have the shortness of breath which I finally started taking Mylanta and Tums during the day for and that has helped TREMENDOUSLY. Also, I got a freaking cold from hell that's probably causing some of the breathing issues and now that it's died down, I can breathe much, much better, thank God.

Then, I started having chest pains and my heart was beating out of my chest. Like, I can sit and watch TV, look down and see my chest moving with my heartbeat. I called the doc about this and apparently it's heartburn (and since I just was diagnosed with severe acid reflux, this would make sense), so, once again, the Tums, Pepcid, Mylanta routine is definitely helping that out as well. Maybe our baby will have a head full of hair! The heartbeat thing I guess is completely normal, too, as well as the numbness.

So, now I'm in week 14 and the last two days I have felt SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. The breathing thing was really wigging me out, but now that that seems to be a lot better, I feel like I can handle anything, haha. So, I'm back to being the happy, pregnant woman I once was and life is settling down again.

Also, last week, twice I felt spasms just below my belly button on my left side (which is where the baby tends to be when I use my doppler). Both times it was at night and I was laying on my right side getting ready to fall asleep. It was like a vibrating spasm and I've never had them before. That said, I am hugely skeptical because it was not that far below my belly button, and at this stage in the game, I don't even think my uterus is that high yet. But, you never know. Guess we'll have to find out!