Wednesday, November 7, 2007

14 weeks, 4 days!

Yesterday, for the first part of the morning, I had trouble breathing properly again. I had stayed home because I had a chest cold, which I think is part of my problem, and so it wasn't that big of a deal. This time, I was able to keep myself calm the whole time and rationalized that I wasn't huffing or gasping for air by any means, so I was just fine. Plus, it was for the baby, and whatever the baby needs, the baby gets. So, I was really proud of myself for keeping calm about it this time. It was fine by like 1 pm, and this morning, I haven't had any problems yet.

Yesterday, I felt several flutters throughout the day, but the biggest ones came yesterday night when I was testing out my doppler. Several times as I heard a super loud noise come through the doppler (baby movement), I'd feel the slightest of flutters along with it. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool!!! I laid there for about 15 minutes just feeling little teeny flutters while I listened to the heartbeat and movement. This morning already I've felt a couple flutters, but if I wasn't trying to pay such close attention to my lower abdomen, I'd probably not notice they were happening. It was a whole new level of love, though, that came over me when I felt it moving. Also, I love knowing that, so far, he/she is nice and healthy and active. I'll keep updating on the movement as we go along!

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