Monday, November 5, 2007

14 weeks!

Last week sucked. I ended up continuing to have the shortness of breath which I finally started taking Mylanta and Tums during the day for and that has helped TREMENDOUSLY. Also, I got a freaking cold from hell that's probably causing some of the breathing issues and now that it's died down, I can breathe much, much better, thank God.

Then, I started having chest pains and my heart was beating out of my chest. Like, I can sit and watch TV, look down and see my chest moving with my heartbeat. I called the doc about this and apparently it's heartburn (and since I just was diagnosed with severe acid reflux, this would make sense), so, once again, the Tums, Pepcid, Mylanta routine is definitely helping that out as well. Maybe our baby will have a head full of hair! The heartbeat thing I guess is completely normal, too, as well as the numbness.

So, now I'm in week 14 and the last two days I have felt SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. The breathing thing was really wigging me out, but now that that seems to be a lot better, I feel like I can handle anything, haha. So, I'm back to being the happy, pregnant woman I once was and life is settling down again.

Also, last week, twice I felt spasms just below my belly button on my left side (which is where the baby tends to be when I use my doppler). Both times it was at night and I was laying on my right side getting ready to fall asleep. It was like a vibrating spasm and I've never had them before. That said, I am hugely skeptical because it was not that far below my belly button, and at this stage in the game, I don't even think my uterus is that high yet. But, you never know. Guess we'll have to find out!

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