Saturday, November 24, 2007

17 weeks!

Thanksgiving is over and now it's on to Christmas!! The last week, I've felt completely so much better. Maybe this is when my second trimester "boost" will start, haha. But, I felt normal all week and loooooooooved it!

I'm staying at my mother-in-law's house for the Thanksgiving holidays and both she and my sister-in-law got to hear to heartbeat and the baby moving on the doppler. It was really cool to watch their reactions. The baby was moving around like crazy, so it was funny listening to the karate moves going on inside my uterus.

Also, I forgot to post about my third OB appointment, but it went well and everything appears to be normal! :) Here's what I posted on myspace:

Everything went really well, except that I've lost another four pounds (ten total), but I feel like such a whale, I don't see how that is possible, but who knows. I thought for sure I would have gained since I feel so huge. It worries me a little bit, but my doc didn't mention it. Other than that, my blood pressure was 110/68 and she measured my fundal (spelling?) height. Also, we heard the baby on the doppler again (153 bpm) and then we sheduled the BIG ultrasound for Dec. 18 -- four weeks from today!! I can't wait!!

On Tuesday, it's down to 3 more weeks until we find out what Hampton is. That will be a big day!

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