Saturday, January 26, 2008

26 weeks!

I posted last week that I hoped by this week the back pain would be gone -- IT IS! I still have random aches and pains from time to time, but haven't had any back pain like THAT since then. I'm assuming I tweaked my back up somehow and that was the source of the pain.

In other exciting news, for the first time last week, my mom felt Rose kick. Her reaction was really cool -- she was like, "My baby is kicking!" We also went this week to buy her a baby stroller. Currently, she has more stuff for this baby than I do, haha. Ah well.

We also played music for Rose this week and the rolly-polly feelings were craaaaaazy! She always went away from the music, so watching her body shift to the other side of my uterus was quite a sight.

Other than that, not much else is new. She seems to be doing quite well in there, and I hope she stays that way until at least 37 weeks!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

25 weeks!

Oy, the uncomfortable part of pregnancy has set in!! This week began the extreme backaches. Some days are worse than others, but I sware, sometimes they hurt so bad, I just want to lay down and cry. But, only 15 more weeks!!! That's what I keep telling myself, haha.

Other than that, everything's been pretty normal. Maybe -- just maybe, this backache stuff will stop by next week! (YEAH RIGHT!!) I can hope, though!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5th OB appt... 24 weeks, 3 days!

I had another ultrasound today to finish getting some of the measurements, so my mom went along, too. She still looks as beautiful as last time, except bigger, but it was great to see her again. Unfortunately, the tech had to get this one shot of her heart and I sware, she dug the wand so far into me from the right side that I thought I was going to scream out in pain. She was trying to get her to move, but Rose wasn't having it. She finally got the pic after 20 minutes of excrutiating pain and a break during that for me to lay on my left side. We got a few pics of her that I'll have to get a pic of to post. I was bummed, too, because the tech didn't seem in a good mood and therefore, didn't explain what was going on at all as far as what we were seeing, so my mom didn't really get a good know-all of what part was what. But, she did recognize her profile. AND, Rose is still a Rose, so that's good news! She's weighing in at 1 lb 10 oz and she's measuring at 25 weeks today, so pretty much on par with my due date.

After the ultrasound, I had my 24 week check up and everything's looking good. I'm finally back up to my starting weight, so anything I put on from here is what I've gained!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

24 weeks!

Good Lord, have Rose's kicks gotten harder or what?! I don't know what happened this week, but her kicks are getting really easy to feel at all times. Tommy has been able to feel her really easily all week and he is in love with putting his hand on my stomach and feeling her do her little gymnastics.

She's gotten into a noticable sleeping pattern, too. Every day, about the time I get done teaching around 3, she stops moving and kicking and usually I might feel her once or twice for a few seconds, but other than that, she's pretty much asleep until 7 or 8. Last night, she even slept until 9. Then, she woke right up almost at 9 on the dot and started kicking and flipping like crazy, haha. I was pushing my fingers in by where she was kicking and she let out a huge kick and the bottom of her foot hit my fingers, but I had enough pressure to where she actually was able to push off of my fingers and I felt her head get pushed out the other side of my uterus, haha. It actually gave me a little shock feeling. In the middle of the night and morning when I get up to go to the bathroom, I also feel her stir for a minute when I sit up. She's most active in the late morning and then around lunch. We'll see how that goes once she's born. ;)

I had a dream about her the other night, too. I had a dream that she was born on a Monday, but my milk didn't come in until a Thursday and she was really good at breastfeeding. I also looooooooooooved being able to breastfeed her and in my sleep for a minute, I actually was able to feel that "bond" of mother and daughter. It was such a beautiful feeling. I also kept telling myself to get a good look at her to see if what she looks like in my dream (she looked the same as a dream I had awhile ago) is what she looks like when I give birth to her. In my dream, she had dark brown hair, but not a ton, but not a little, either. She was so adorable. I remember wanting to show her off to everyone at the pool (?). Don't know what pool or what, but oh well, haha.

We have an ultrasound on Tuesday as well as my 24 week appointment. Hopefully, I'll have some pics to update with on Tuesday. My mom is going to the ultrasound, too, so I'm really excited!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

23 weeks!

I haven't updated in a few weeks with the holidays and our Vegas trip, but all is well! Actually, since 20 weeks, I think it's be the best time of my entire pregnancy thus far. I feel great, hormones aren't driving me bonko, and I haven't really had any headaches. The stomach is growing, though, and I'm starting to get some mild swelling. Her kicks are getting harder and last night, when we went to the movies, I actually felt her kick from my stomach and hit me in the arm. My arm was tucked against me, but still, it was a much harder push from her kick than normal AND it actually hit my arm (not like the bed while I'm laying down or my hand while I rest it on my stomach). I felt her kick later on, too, and her kick came out a pretty decent ways. Also, when we rest our hands on my stomach where she's moving, you can feel like waves of her body coming and going from underneath our hands. It's just really cool.

This last week, we picked out our bedding, painted the nursery, and I made letters for Rose's name. Pics are at the top. In one more week, she's viable outside of me if the worst happens (delivering early), so while I hope to God it never comes to that, it's a weird feeling to think that I've gotten this far and that they would try to save her and keep her alive if something bad happened. It's also less than 4 months until she's supposed to be here. That is mind blowing to me because four months is nothing. We are getting so excited!! I just can't wait to see her and be her mom!