Saturday, January 12, 2008

24 weeks!

Good Lord, have Rose's kicks gotten harder or what?! I don't know what happened this week, but her kicks are getting really easy to feel at all times. Tommy has been able to feel her really easily all week and he is in love with putting his hand on my stomach and feeling her do her little gymnastics.

She's gotten into a noticable sleeping pattern, too. Every day, about the time I get done teaching around 3, she stops moving and kicking and usually I might feel her once or twice for a few seconds, but other than that, she's pretty much asleep until 7 or 8. Last night, she even slept until 9. Then, she woke right up almost at 9 on the dot and started kicking and flipping like crazy, haha. I was pushing my fingers in by where she was kicking and she let out a huge kick and the bottom of her foot hit my fingers, but I had enough pressure to where she actually was able to push off of my fingers and I felt her head get pushed out the other side of my uterus, haha. It actually gave me a little shock feeling. In the middle of the night and morning when I get up to go to the bathroom, I also feel her stir for a minute when I sit up. She's most active in the late morning and then around lunch. We'll see how that goes once she's born. ;)

I had a dream about her the other night, too. I had a dream that she was born on a Monday, but my milk didn't come in until a Thursday and she was really good at breastfeeding. I also looooooooooooved being able to breastfeed her and in my sleep for a minute, I actually was able to feel that "bond" of mother and daughter. It was such a beautiful feeling. I also kept telling myself to get a good look at her to see if what she looks like in my dream (she looked the same as a dream I had awhile ago) is what she looks like when I give birth to her. In my dream, she had dark brown hair, but not a ton, but not a little, either. She was so adorable. I remember wanting to show her off to everyone at the pool (?). Don't know what pool or what, but oh well, haha.

We have an ultrasound on Tuesday as well as my 24 week appointment. Hopefully, I'll have some pics to update with on Tuesday. My mom is going to the ultrasound, too, so I'm really excited!!

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