Saturday, January 5, 2008

23 weeks!

I haven't updated in a few weeks with the holidays and our Vegas trip, but all is well! Actually, since 20 weeks, I think it's be the best time of my entire pregnancy thus far. I feel great, hormones aren't driving me bonko, and I haven't really had any headaches. The stomach is growing, though, and I'm starting to get some mild swelling. Her kicks are getting harder and last night, when we went to the movies, I actually felt her kick from my stomach and hit me in the arm. My arm was tucked against me, but still, it was a much harder push from her kick than normal AND it actually hit my arm (not like the bed while I'm laying down or my hand while I rest it on my stomach). I felt her kick later on, too, and her kick came out a pretty decent ways. Also, when we rest our hands on my stomach where she's moving, you can feel like waves of her body coming and going from underneath our hands. It's just really cool.

This last week, we picked out our bedding, painted the nursery, and I made letters for Rose's name. Pics are at the top. In one more week, she's viable outside of me if the worst happens (delivering early), so while I hope to God it never comes to that, it's a weird feeling to think that I've gotten this far and that they would try to save her and keep her alive if something bad happened. It's also less than 4 months until she's supposed to be here. That is mind blowing to me because four months is nothing. We are getting so excited!! I just can't wait to see her and be her mom!

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