Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5th OB appt... 24 weeks, 3 days!

I had another ultrasound today to finish getting some of the measurements, so my mom went along, too. She still looks as beautiful as last time, except bigger, but it was great to see her again. Unfortunately, the tech had to get this one shot of her heart and I sware, she dug the wand so far into me from the right side that I thought I was going to scream out in pain. She was trying to get her to move, but Rose wasn't having it. She finally got the pic after 20 minutes of excrutiating pain and a break during that for me to lay on my left side. We got a few pics of her that I'll have to get a pic of to post. I was bummed, too, because the tech didn't seem in a good mood and therefore, didn't explain what was going on at all as far as what we were seeing, so my mom didn't really get a good know-all of what part was what. But, she did recognize her profile. AND, Rose is still a Rose, so that's good news! She's weighing in at 1 lb 10 oz and she's measuring at 25 weeks today, so pretty much on par with my due date.

After the ultrasound, I had my 24 week check up and everything's looking good. I'm finally back up to my starting weight, so anything I put on from here is what I've gained!

1 comment:

EC said...

LOL at "Rose is still a Rose."

How cool that your mom could go with you and see her grandbaby!

Bummer on the wand digging. :( No fun.