Saturday, December 22, 2007

21 weeks!

Boy, has she been moving a lot today! First, it started out with feeling her kick while we were prodding around on my uterus, and now, I just got home from eating dessert at TGI Friday's, and she is going nuts!!! My child must love sugar! ;)

Last week was AWESOME! It was by far the best week of being pregnant thus far. I have nothing at all to complain about symptom wise and, on top of that, we found out she's a girl, so I can't complain. I don't know if that had anything to do with the fact that I wasn't working, though, haha. Here's to hoping this week is just as awesome, if not better!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

20 weeks, 4 days!

I woke up today and it was what I assume it would be like to win a million dollars the day before -- I was like, "Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have a little girl in there! That wasn't a dream!" Of course, when I woke up, she was going nuts at the time and flipping and kicking up a storm, so I couldn't help but have that be my first thought. ;)

I've been walking around all day with a smile plastered on my face, but I've also noticed that I am feeling much more maternal and connected. I feel this insane need to protect her and therefore, never get worked up about anything because that means I'm getting her excited. Tommy talked to her for awhile today since we can actually call her by her name now and that was really cool. We examined her profile shots some more and are thinking that she has my nose (I have a round nose; Tommy doesn't) and that she has Tommy's ears (Tommy is missing cartlidge in his ear and it's flatter on top, mine is really round), but of course, we'll never know for sure until she pops out. I just love her so much. I can't wait to take Saturday naps with her or take her to the park. There's just so many things I'm looking forward to. I can't wait.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm the mother of a baby girl!!!

I don't know how much I've posted about my feelings for this baby in the blog thus far, but since day one of getting pregnant, I've had TONS of girl feelings. I tried not to talk about just how much I felt our baby was a girl for A. fear of looking stupid if it was a boy, B. people thinking I'd be super disappointed to have a boy, and C. jinxing it. Then, soon after I got pregnant, I received a package in the mail from my aunt who sells used books, and it was a young adult book entitled "Rosie Pugh and the Great Clothes War." At the time, my aunt didn't know our girl name was going to be "Rose" which we had picked out long before we ever got married. Pugh is obviously our last name and not a really common one, either. So, when I saw the book, I thought, "This is a sign!"

Today was the BIG ultrasound. Up until a week ago, I was really excited to find out the sex. Then, it dawned on me that this ultrasound would also tell us if our baby was healthy or not. All of a sudden, it totally didn't matter to me about the sex and I just wanted a healthy baby. So, we go in today, and right away the ultrasound tech comments that the baby was wrapped up in a ball. She had her knees to her chest and everything. She started taking her measurements and everything looked great. Every few minutes I'd ask, "Is that a penis?!" and before long, we were all cracking up at the fact that I thought kidneys might be a penis or the ambilical cord might be the penis. Then, when she started focusing on the lower half of the baby, I noticed right away that there wasn't a penis AND I saw the three lines right away. About a minute later, so pressed down the wand over the baby's behind and asked me, "Do you see that? Do you know what it is?" and I said, "I was right! It's a girl!" and started immediately crying. So, not only did I get the real prize which was a healthy baby weighing 14 oz., but I also got to find out I have a daughter in there AND I get to go back in four more weeks to see her again because they couldn't get a few measurements. I'm in love!

Her full name is Rose Marie Pugh.

Monday, December 17, 2007

20 weeks!

Good Lord. I am now halfway along!!! Last week, nothing too eventful except that I'm getting really dizzy a lot. I've heard this could be from lower blood pressure, but my blood pressure has been normal at my other appointments, and I took my blood pressure twice this weekend - once it was high and then ten minutes later it was normal, so we shall see.

Tomorrow is the BIG ultrasound!! I just pray that everything is looking healthy and normal. At this point, the gender means nothing to me because I just want to hear everything's going ok.

Kicks are starting to get much harder, so the baby must be getting stronger. Also, I'm starting to get "pains" when he/she places it's body part in or on certain places. Yesterday, all of a sudden, I got a super sharp pain down lower by my pubic bone and it kept coming and going every ten seconds or so. I finally had to massage that area to try and get the baby to move whatever it was it had down there out because it was killing me. That seemed to work. Last week, one day, I also felt the weirdest sensation -- it felt like the baby stretching from the top and bottom. It happened several of times in the matter of few minutes. It was really cool. Tommy has also started feeling the baby from time to time and I've seen it kick twice and felt it kick from the outside a couple of times already. Other than that, the baby just seems to keep moving up a storm, especially during the day, and it doesn't seem to mind!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

19 weeks!

Last week was once again pretty uneventful. I almost fainted on Monday at the store, but I was able to get home, eat something, and then I was fine. Tuesday, I stayed home with some kind of flu bug, and the rest of the week was great. The baby is really moving a ton more, though. It's amazing how much more, even in a week, I can feel it. For the last three days, I sware, I wake up, sit up and then a minute or two later I feel the baby move for a little bit. Then, I don't feel it again until about 10 or 10 30 am and from then on out I feel it move about once, sometimes several times, every five minutes until about 6 30/7 pm and then it settles down. I thought babies slept all the time at this stage! ;) Mine seems to be up at least 8 hours a day non-stop. I love feeling it, though!!

Also this week, we started playing music for it with our headphones. The baby totally freaks out and flips around and kicks me when the music comes on -- especially if it's like a rap song or faster paced. It's really cute.

On Wednesday night, too, Tommy had his hand on my stomach and we were feeling on my uterus to see if we could feel anything baby related and he felt something and then it moved away from him (like a body part). He loved that! Later on that night, I was feeling and I got kicked twice from the outside. It was amazing!!! This morning, I was listening to the baby on my doppler (the baby hangs out at the very top of my uterus by my belly button) and I wasn't even trying to feel it and it kicked my fingers.

We're just so in love with our child and can't wait to finally find out on the 18th what gender it is so I can stop calling it IT! :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

18 weeks!

I take belly pictures every week (no, I won't scar your eyes and post them), but over the last two weeks my stomach has popped out big time. It's even popped out a decent amount from last Saturday. It's crazy how fast it's growing!

The last week has been pretty uneventful, which is good news. The only symptom I've really noticed is the shortness of breath, but I think a big part of that is due to the cold I have. Last night was the first night my sinuses have been really "open" in awhile and I didn't know what to do with all of the extra oxygen! ;) It was great.

Also last week, the baby's movements are getting much more noticable. It almost feels like when you're going over a hill in a car really fast and your stomach flies up in the air and comes down -- that's the feelings I've had lately with a few kicks here and there mixed in. I love feeling it!