Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm the mother of a baby girl!!!

I don't know how much I've posted about my feelings for this baby in the blog thus far, but since day one of getting pregnant, I've had TONS of girl feelings. I tried not to talk about just how much I felt our baby was a girl for A. fear of looking stupid if it was a boy, B. people thinking I'd be super disappointed to have a boy, and C. jinxing it. Then, soon after I got pregnant, I received a package in the mail from my aunt who sells used books, and it was a young adult book entitled "Rosie Pugh and the Great Clothes War." At the time, my aunt didn't know our girl name was going to be "Rose" which we had picked out long before we ever got married. Pugh is obviously our last name and not a really common one, either. So, when I saw the book, I thought, "This is a sign!"

Today was the BIG ultrasound. Up until a week ago, I was really excited to find out the sex. Then, it dawned on me that this ultrasound would also tell us if our baby was healthy or not. All of a sudden, it totally didn't matter to me about the sex and I just wanted a healthy baby. So, we go in today, and right away the ultrasound tech comments that the baby was wrapped up in a ball. She had her knees to her chest and everything. She started taking her measurements and everything looked great. Every few minutes I'd ask, "Is that a penis?!" and before long, we were all cracking up at the fact that I thought kidneys might be a penis or the ambilical cord might be the penis. Then, when she started focusing on the lower half of the baby, I noticed right away that there wasn't a penis AND I saw the three lines right away. About a minute later, so pressed down the wand over the baby's behind and asked me, "Do you see that? Do you know what it is?" and I said, "I was right! It's a girl!" and started immediately crying. So, not only did I get the real prize which was a healthy baby weighing 14 oz., but I also got to find out I have a daughter in there AND I get to go back in four more weeks to see her again because they couldn't get a few measurements. I'm in love!

Her full name is Rose Marie Pugh.

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