Monday, December 17, 2007

20 weeks!

Good Lord. I am now halfway along!!! Last week, nothing too eventful except that I'm getting really dizzy a lot. I've heard this could be from lower blood pressure, but my blood pressure has been normal at my other appointments, and I took my blood pressure twice this weekend - once it was high and then ten minutes later it was normal, so we shall see.

Tomorrow is the BIG ultrasound!! I just pray that everything is looking healthy and normal. At this point, the gender means nothing to me because I just want to hear everything's going ok.

Kicks are starting to get much harder, so the baby must be getting stronger. Also, I'm starting to get "pains" when he/she places it's body part in or on certain places. Yesterday, all of a sudden, I got a super sharp pain down lower by my pubic bone and it kept coming and going every ten seconds or so. I finally had to massage that area to try and get the baby to move whatever it was it had down there out because it was killing me. That seemed to work. Last week, one day, I also felt the weirdest sensation -- it felt like the baby stretching from the top and bottom. It happened several of times in the matter of few minutes. It was really cool. Tommy has also started feeling the baby from time to time and I've seen it kick twice and felt it kick from the outside a couple of times already. Other than that, the baby just seems to keep moving up a storm, especially during the day, and it doesn't seem to mind!

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