Wednesday, December 19, 2007

20 weeks, 4 days!

I woke up today and it was what I assume it would be like to win a million dollars the day before -- I was like, "Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have a little girl in there! That wasn't a dream!" Of course, when I woke up, she was going nuts at the time and flipping and kicking up a storm, so I couldn't help but have that be my first thought. ;)

I've been walking around all day with a smile plastered on my face, but I've also noticed that I am feeling much more maternal and connected. I feel this insane need to protect her and therefore, never get worked up about anything because that means I'm getting her excited. Tommy talked to her for awhile today since we can actually call her by her name now and that was really cool. We examined her profile shots some more and are thinking that she has my nose (I have a round nose; Tommy doesn't) and that she has Tommy's ears (Tommy is missing cartlidge in his ear and it's flatter on top, mine is really round), but of course, we'll never know for sure until she pops out. I just love her so much. I can't wait to take Saturday naps with her or take her to the park. There's just so many things I'm looking forward to. I can't wait.

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