Saturday, December 1, 2007

18 weeks!

I take belly pictures every week (no, I won't scar your eyes and post them), but over the last two weeks my stomach has popped out big time. It's even popped out a decent amount from last Saturday. It's crazy how fast it's growing!

The last week has been pretty uneventful, which is good news. The only symptom I've really noticed is the shortness of breath, but I think a big part of that is due to the cold I have. Last night was the first night my sinuses have been really "open" in awhile and I didn't know what to do with all of the extra oxygen! ;) It was great.

Also last week, the baby's movements are getting much more noticable. It almost feels like when you're going over a hill in a car really fast and your stomach flies up in the air and comes down -- that's the feelings I've had lately with a few kicks here and there mixed in. I love feeling it!

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