Saturday, December 8, 2007

19 weeks!

Last week was once again pretty uneventful. I almost fainted on Monday at the store, but I was able to get home, eat something, and then I was fine. Tuesday, I stayed home with some kind of flu bug, and the rest of the week was great. The baby is really moving a ton more, though. It's amazing how much more, even in a week, I can feel it. For the last three days, I sware, I wake up, sit up and then a minute or two later I feel the baby move for a little bit. Then, I don't feel it again until about 10 or 10 30 am and from then on out I feel it move about once, sometimes several times, every five minutes until about 6 30/7 pm and then it settles down. I thought babies slept all the time at this stage! ;) Mine seems to be up at least 8 hours a day non-stop. I love feeling it, though!!

Also this week, we started playing music for it with our headphones. The baby totally freaks out and flips around and kicks me when the music comes on -- especially if it's like a rap song or faster paced. It's really cute.

On Wednesday night, too, Tommy had his hand on my stomach and we were feeling on my uterus to see if we could feel anything baby related and he felt something and then it moved away from him (like a body part). He loved that! Later on that night, I was feeling and I got kicked twice from the outside. It was amazing!!! This morning, I was listening to the baby on my doppler (the baby hangs out at the very top of my uterus by my belly button) and I wasn't even trying to feel it and it kicked my fingers.

We're just so in love with our child and can't wait to finally find out on the 18th what gender it is so I can stop calling it IT! :)

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