Saturday, October 27, 2007

13 weeks!

I'm 1/3rd of the way done. Thank you, Jesus. The 12 week mark has been filled with many memorable pregnancy events. First off, I experienced the joy of feeling like I couldn't catch my breath from doing something as simple as WALKING UP A FLIGHT OF STAIRS!!!! I'll be the first to admit that I'm not slim and trim Barbie, but for God's sake, I can walk a mile faster than most can run it (*slight* exaggeration ;) Anyways, I'm definitely not out of shape by any means. So, this week around Wednesday/Thursday, I notice that even laying down, I feel like I'm not able to breathe correctly. Part of this is normal for pregnant women since your body is sending a lot more oxygen in your blood stream to the growing fetus. However, this seemed worse than that, so I went to the doc and he diagnosed me with acid reflux disease, which makes complete sense with my symptoms and can cause shortness of breath, especially in pregnant people, so he puts me on prescription strength Pecid AC and off I go. It's helping a little bit.

Then, last night, I'm on the computer around 10 pm and I notice my fingers are going numb. Then, I realize this is numbness is going up my arm and happening slightly in my left hand and perhaps in my leg a very little, little bit. This freaks me out since I'm home all alone and I've never had this happen before in my life. I pondered going to the ER, but, once again, I do know a little numbness in the arms/hands in pregnant people can be normal. So, after 20 minutes, I notice it's not as bad as it was and I just decide to go to bed. I woke up this morning with still a little more numbness, but nothing too serious. Today, my right wrist feels a little off, but other than that, not too much numbing action. So, I'm thinking I probably pinched a nerve or maybe my baby is, though I highly doubt its big enough to do that at this stage. So, I'm praying to God the numbness goes away (I can deal with the shortness of breath over this) and I can go back to being a happy pregnant person again!

1 comment:

benevolentblue said...

Ok this was a relief to see because I’m just recently experiencing the shortness of breath. Thank god it's not just me. Same here with the mile comment. And to those new mothers experiencing the numbness I have a suggestion. I have read that later on in pregnancy your legs can go numb or begin to hurt and the method to remove this feeling is propping yourself up on your knees and rump to the sky with your chest on the same surface as your knees; your bed, couch or living room floor is fine. sometimes it's the blood flow coming back from the feet getting stuck below the baby blister right around your pelvis, and it can swell in your ankles calves and thighs and push on some nerves, leaning forward on your knees moves the blister up away from your pelvis and lets the blood flow easier. Sometimes it can even be just the weight pinching the nerve and not the blood, the same move removes the pressure and can give you some relief.

I have been experiencing this constricting pain in my lower back that is so bad it's like I threw out my back. it's the muscle that runs from the tail bone and over the outer part of my pelvis the Iliocostalis muscle group and I am so not trusting of any medicine right now unless I have to take it by my OB's instructions so I just lay on the floor and try and fetal position on my back to stretch it out. Seems to work for a little while but I strongly suggest not sleeping on an air mattress while your pregnant.